Vegan Food with Best Coffee at Perth Cafe in Australia

CNR Café

44 Lake Street, Perth WA 6003, Australia +61 8 9228 8861 Find transitional changes with the dishes served at CNR Café with their day and night menu. If you are leaning on a healthy diet, you may find the…

Coffee, teas, and others from Perth Cafe in Australia


58 Mounts Bay Road Perth WA 6000 +61 8 9322 8275 Find a unique blend of coffee as well as an extensive range of premium tea for your enjoyment at Louve. Additionally, the café provides catering, functions and private…

All Day Menus at a Perth Cafe in Australia

The Green Room Coffee Lounge

Transperth City Bus Port Shop15/Mounts Bay Road Perth WA Australia 600 +61 8 9322 1010 If you are looking for something healthy and fresh for your meal selection of choice, you will definitely find The Green Room Coffee Lounge…

Best Lunch and Breakfast Options at Perth Cafe in Australia

Botanical Cafe

Fraser Avenue, Kings Park West Perth WA 6005 (08) 9482 0122 Have a taste of Australia’s finest and freshest produce at the Botanical Café. Customers can choose a small or quick fix menu for light snacks. Their meals are…

Veggie Inspired Treats at Perth Cafe in Australia

Source Foods

  289 Beaufort Street Perth WA 6000 (08) 6468 7100 Indulge in healthy and fresh meals served with quality greens at Source Foods in Beaufort Street. Vegan lovers often rejoice at the variety of vegetable-inspired dishes served fresh on a daily basis –…

Cupcakes, Cookies and More at a Perth Cafe, Australia

The Sassy Cookie

41 Duncan Street Victoria Park 6100 (08) 9361 0979 Find unique cupcakes, cakes and a variety of desserts found at the Sassy Cookie. Tickle your taste buds with their sweet delicacies offered daily to their customers. Experience that authentic…

Books and Coffee at the Perth Cafe in Australia

Millpoint Caffe Bookshop

254 Mill Point Rd South Perth WA 6151 (08) 9367 4567 Get back to your reading right away and enjoy the ambience and setting Millpoint Caffe Bookshop provides to their guest. Their café services breakfast and lunch menu served…

Award Winning Breakfast Meals in Perth Cafes in Australia

Coode Street Café

24 Coode St, Mt Lawley WA 6050 (08) 9371 9900 Coode Street Café has won several breakfast awards, which tell a lot about the quality of service as well as the meals they provide to their clients. Enjoy their health…

All Around Meals at Globe Coffee House in Perth, Australia

Globe Coffee House

672 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley WA 6050 (08) 9271 3408 Globe Coffee House is a great place to visit during breakfast and lunch as well as dinner time. They have combined their breakfast and lunch dishes for a more…

Best Meals from a Perth Cafe in Australia

Antico Caffe

3/81 Royal St, East Perth WA 6004 (08) 9221 8222 A touch of Italian inspired cuisine with vegetarian options is available for customers found at Antico Caffe. This is perfect for those who want to enjoy a scrumptious yet…