Category: Oral Care

dental crown restoration

Dental Crown Restoration: Faster Than a Cup of Coffee?

Welcome to the world of dental crown restoration, where a perfect smile is just around the corner! Imagine sipping on your morning coffee as your damaged tooth gets a makeover faster than you can finish your cup. Yes, you heard…

Ta-Ta To Tartar And The Sauce On Its Source

Say goodbye to tartar and hello to a healthier smile! We all know that keeping our teeth clean is important, but did you know that failing to remove the pesky buildup known as tartar can have serious consequences for your…

Your Teeth Require Decent Nutrition

While fillings and cavities address immediate dental issues, it’s worth considering how your long-term diet impacts overall oral health and your risk of more serious problems down the road. It’s also worth acquainting yourself with your local healthy cafes –…

best and worst foods for your teeth

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Are you tired of getting cavities despite your best efforts to maintain good oral hygiene? Or are you simply looking for ways to improve the health of your teeth and gums? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll be…

Proteins Produced in the Mouth can Protect Against Viral Infection

Researchers from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry have recently examined the role that oral microbes play in regulating antiviral responses in the oral cavity. This is timely as we are navigating the global pandemic and natural phenomena that…